Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pictures from the forum on "Does Islam permit racial discrimination?" held on 25th July,2008 at RICOI

The panelists:
From left: Dr. Amir Farid Isahak, the moderator for the event Tuan Syed Barkat Ali, Bro. Shah Kirit, Bro. Ridzwan Yap and Bro. Abdul Rahim Majid.
A cross-section of the multi-racial audience that attended the forum.

Paticipants listening attentively to the discussion.

A particpant expressing his views on the topic.

A question being posed to the panelists by a member of the audience during the Q&A session.

The discussions carry on right after the forum has ended.

About 25-30 participants attended the forum which started just after 8.30pm and continued till 11pm.

The next forum is slated for 29th August, 2008 with the topic "Does a non-muslim have to convert to Islam to marry a muslim?"
RICOI plans to have similar forums on the last Friday of each month where "open discussion" on matters pertaining to Islam and Muslims will be held.

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